
We recommend these four hotels.

The location of all these hotels are available on This map

Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel is really close to the conference location, but this is a rather expensive hotel (200+ euros per night).

The Kyriad Hotel, in Porte d'Ivry, has special rates (see How To Book at bottom of the page) :

Breakfast and wifi internet access are included in this rate.

Note that two of the hotels are outside the city of Paris. You should remember this if you want to enjoy Paris' nightlife, as cab drivers usually don't like to go outside of Paris after 10 PM. These hotels still have good public transportation to the conference area during most hours - trains and metro runs from 6AM to 12PM.

There are also a number of other hotels in the general area available from regular travel booking sites. They usually have only a few rooms available and no special rates for us. If you look there, we recommend you look in the general areas of Place d'Italie or Montparnasse.

We recommend that you book your room as soon as possible. November is a period full of events in Paris. Hotels are full really early, so don't wait to get a room.

How To Book a room at Kyriad Porte d'Ivry

Information to provide to have access to our prices are :